Mythicbells Reality Show Season Finale …

For some time I’ve been wanting to slip in another of my newsy updates. You know–me in bed with laptop and kitties. This can be tough to do as it’s time consuming and hungry kitties don’t seem to comprehend why they have to wait for their breakfast. Fortunately half have never known the olden days of free feed dry food and the other half have forgotten. (End of plug for NO MORE DRY FOOD!) In any case, this post may have to be shorter than previous as I’m already getting a late start on the day. I’ve let Simba Kahn out of his cabana and he’s here to nudge me and Sahara is out of HER confinement and she’s my champion whiner. It’s going to be another gorgeous day in California and ….

As you know, we are winding down the “G” and “H” episodes here at Mythicbells. Can you believe how fast the time has flown by? I made the mistake of reading back over the blog entries since the first of the year. WOW! This has been an emotional ride for me…. snipping and snapping at everyone. Bitching and complaining. I think I was as bad, maybe worse than the queens!! What an interesting journal of events in the life of a pedigree cat breeder. I’ve been debating as to what comes next. There have been many times in the last few months that I’ve wanted to quit all of this. My anxiety level was through the roof with all that has been going on. I’ve come to my senses and will wait until all of the kittens are gone, then reevaluate how next to proceed. I’m sure I don’t want to quit just yet. After all, we have Sequoia’s kittens to look forward to! I do have several issues to resolve. One is reducing the number of my permanent cats by at least a small margin, and the other is Simba Kahn’s advancing age, though the males can breed much longer than the females without worrying over health issues. I do worry about his quality of life, however. On the other hand, here he is on my bed — how bad can that be? Decisions! Decisions! Sahara may be good for a couple more litters depending on how she does and, of course Sequoia remains to be seen. One thing I’m quite decided on and that is — ONLY ONE LITTER AT A TIME! Given my setup, two litters is a lot of work when everyone is getting along and almost impossible if they are not.

The next question is WHAT ABOUT THE KITTY CAMS? I will ask your opinion on this, then ignore you. LOL. Okay, just kidding. This is what I plan to do. Kitty Cam 2 will be retired until the next litter. I don’t want to bother with it, but I’ll keep Cam 1 up as I have since Jan 2008 so that you can visit in the chatroom and stare at the spaceship flower in case it ever decides to launch.

On to kitten news. I have had the best time with them the past few days!! Now that they are on the verge of leaving the nest, I am allowed to relax a little and just enjoy them. They are SO fun! For some odd reason, the queens have relaxed with only the minor skirmish and I have been leaving the nursery doors open during the day and also allowing the kittens free access to the enclosure much of the time. Sirocco ventures out occasionally and Sahara spends most of the day outside. The kittens love LOVE it outside. They are without doubt, the filthiest, grubbiest kittens I’ve ever seen. They come in with burrs in their fur, weeds dripping from their tails, and mud on their paws. Bathing them for their adoption days is going to be a nightmare! But who cares! I am “Molly-have-camera-will-travel.” I don’t go outside without it. I have scores of photos processed and I hope to put them up here in a gallery for you today if I find the time. I’m using my 10 mega-pixel camera for this and my old computer takes FOREVER to open each batch in Photoshop, and even longer to rotate, crop, and process them. TEDIOUS!! But, as I sit in the sun eating my lunch, reading my book, gardening … or whatever and watch these little guys racing about I wish that I could share every single moment with you. It’s simply priceless!!

OMG — SIX CATS ON THE BED NOW AND SAHARA CIRCLING LIKE A SHARK. Simba Kahn is coming in for a head-butt, and pawing at my hands, Sahara is whining …. okay! Now even Gypsy Rose is getting into the act and picking a fight with Sahara … time to feed the cats! GOTTA GO!!

10 responses to “Mythicbells Reality Show Season Finale …

  1. We will support you in whatever you decide.
    It has been a real joy over these last couple of years to watch and follow the daily lives of your “family” to the extent that have become “our” family.
    But there’s the rub. We get all the pleasure and none of the work. if you choose to stop all this, then who are we to say otherwise.
    We will have major withdrawals to contend with, but we can handle it. I think……… : )

  2. Well put GM… Nice you are still watching the pics , blog and youtubes…. (We mis yoU WAAAH) and we will miss the kitties but hope to hear from their new parents whether by bl;og, photos or even videos (hopefully).

    Molly: You need to reclaim some of your own life back – you have provided the kitties AND us all with such a flood of love, and pics and news etc…

    We will revert to talking to the flower, and such other toys as you provide for us. Perhaps the occasional cat too?

    Meanwhile we will enjoy ALL the kitties up to the very last moment we can.

    As always, thanks a million Molly.

  3. Molly dear: You are such an inspiration to me; your humor at yourself and those precious kittens and Moms is priceless!
    I didn’t notice your complaining till you kept mentioning it; seems to be a part of life as we know it. Thank you for sharing your life with us; I feel a small part of the kitten family and will hate to see them leave their home. But that is part of the growing up process. I’m sure you’ll feel better once everyone is settled; the kittens are at their new homes, and you can have a moment to just stare into space and breathe a deep sigh of relief.
    The kitty kams are fun to watch, but I honestly enjoy the videos better. More close-ups of the antics, and better quality picture. I am already mesmorized by the spaceship flower, and will stare right at it hoping for a kitty or 2 to emerge. LOL
    Thanks again for sharing and good luck this weekend and next. Laura

  4. The first two posts say it all. Just adding a thank you, Molly, for all the pleasure you, the cats and kittens have given us. You certainly deserve a rest now.

    We’ll all cope, no matter what you decide to do.

  5. Thanks for yet another newsy, amusing blog Molly.
    I’m sure, when you first decided to set up your ‘in house’ cattery, there were the doubters. ‘Good idea,will never work’, that type of thing. Well, I for one think you’ve made any doubters eat their words. Not only have you been able to give those beautiful cats of yours very happy lives but have successfully nurtured numerous litters of kittens with great love and care. If that wasn’t enough you’ve also allowed us to share it all through webcams, videos, photos and blogs. Of course, any project like this will bring its problems, certainly not all plain sailing, and it requires a special type of person who can pull it off. You are a special person Molly and you should feel very proud of what you have acheived and as the others have said, whatever you decide in the future, we will support you.

  6. Well, Molly, I’m not sure what I could possibly add to all the wonderful and true things others have already said…I agree with it all. Plus, if I’ve learned anything over the past few weeks, maybe I’m better off to keep my chemically-induced, sometimes un-thoughtout thoughts/questions to myself…

    Thank you for everything!!!!


  7. Well said all of you!! GM!!! wow so lovely to see your name here.
    Molly you amaze me as always !! What can I say when it has all been said :D…..I am sure Sequoia will be next, we all look forward to the next litter of tiny paws in the future.Enjoy the calm Molly – you deserve it.

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